Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nice one dad

How amazing is this space ? Imagine shooting here....
My p's just got back from a trip to the states - they went road tripping from the west coast to the east coast. This was Dad's favourite moment of the trip - and I quote "We were wandering around the back streets of this lovely old town (best known as both a ski resort and an artists colony) when I spotted this old building. I took a few photos and the next minute, the son-in-law, of the original owner came out and asked if we would like to see inside.
For the next hour or so, we were given a personal tour by this lovely & gentle old man. Loved the old work shop, which is still in use today. Definitely one of the highlights of our 5 weeks in the States."

Dad and I share a love of a workshop - Oh the life of the grey nomads - love it!

IMAGES: Max Evans.

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